by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
IN HER IMAGE Edition of 30 H 18.5″, W 13.5″, D 13″ Price: $5,900 Our genes form a map of connections, not only physically, but even in the tiniest of gestures….the turn of a head, the gesture of a walk, the sound of a voice, even a way of...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
ICE SKATER Edition of 30H 12″ x W 10″ x D 6″Price: $4,500 The crisp blades bite into the ice and throw me forward through the fading light. In gentle surges, they thrust me into the dark recesses of evening. After a day of radiant adventuring, my...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
HOLLYHOCKS Edition of 30 H 25″ Price: $8,500 Proud hollyhocks raise their heads against the wall. Everyday flowers, they are not embarrassed to show their faces in the most regal of gardens. Theirs is a simple beauty, accentuated by pure simplicity. Some...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
GRANDMOTHERS ROCKER Edition of 30 H 22″, W 12″, D 17″Price: $9,500 The book and the story are only a part of this picture. For the young child on Grandmother’s lap, it is that sense of warm enclosure and complete acceptance. For Grandma, it is...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
GIRL RUNNING Edition of 30 H 14″, W 9″, D 7″ Price: $3,500 Adults seldom indulge, but children do it all the time. It may be just a physical thing, but then it may be more psychological—that point in movement where the mind allows the body to...
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