Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

BIRTHDAY GIRL H 48″Price: $13,500 It is a new day, a special day.  It is my day.  Of all the creatures in the universe—the rabbits, the kittens, the dogs and frogs, the other kids at school—today is mine.  I will savor it to the fullest, soaking in...
Beyond the Garden

Beyond the Garden

BEYOND THE GARDEN Edition of 15 H 64″, W 30″, D 26″ Price: $19,500 Bright butterflies pause in garden plots before continuing on in what seem to be long, meandering journeys.  With wonderment and wings as thin as paper we are drawn to chase after...
Backward Glance

Backward Glance

BACKWARDS GLANCE Edition of 15 H 49″, W 33″, D 17″ Price: $18,500 We lunge into life on the exuberance of childhood.  Radiance is the theme of our growing years accompanied by an overflow of energy and abundance.  Still, there resides in us an...
Among the Flowers

Among the Flowers

AMONG THE FLOWERS Edition of 15 H 73″, W 33″, D 35″ Price: $36,800 The unbridled idealism of youth—it carries us through the trials and wonderment of growing up, driving us toward our most poignant yearnings.  And though we usually learn that...
America’s Story

America’s Story

AMERICA’S STORY Edition of 12 Price: $135,000 Torn and tired, the drawn-out conflict which threatened to destroy the United States now over, a Union and Confederate soldier stand back to back as they contemplate an unknown but, hopefully, more certain future....