by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
IN HER IMAGE Edition of 30 H 18.5″, W 13.5″, D 13″ Price: $5,900 Our genes form a map of connections, not only physically, but even in the tiniest of gestures….the turn of a head, the gesture of a walk, the sound of a voice, even a way of...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
HOLLYHOCKS Edition of 30 H 25″ Price: $8,500 Proud hollyhocks raise their heads against the wall. Everyday flowers, they are not embarrassed to show their faces in the most regal of gardens. Theirs is a simple beauty, accentuated by pure simplicity. Some...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
GRANDMOTHERS ROCKER Edition of 30 H 22″, W 12″, D 17″Price: $9,500 The book and the story are only a part of this picture. For the young child on Grandmother’s lap, it is that sense of warm enclosure and complete acceptance. For Grandma, it is...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
GANDHI – SMALL Edition of 30 H 12″, W 5″, D 5″ Price: $2,500 Main Street Art is one of the nations premiere sources for Fine Art Bronze. Our talented artists cover many styles and subject matter. All work is cast in small limited editions. For...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 14, 2012
FOREVER REMEMBER Offered in four sizes: Edition of 30SmallPrice: $5,500 Edition of 30H 29″Price: $9,500 Edition of 12H 59″ (Life-size)Price: $45,000 Edition of 12H90″ (1.5 x Life-size)Price: $85,000 Main Street Art is one of the nations premiere...
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