Preparing Her Son

Preparing Her Son

PREPARING HER SON Edition of 100 H 20″, W 6″, D 7″ Price: $4,500 One afternoon she looked and he was different than before.   She realized she would never see him again as he was yesterday.   An imprint of her own being, the profound significance of...
Prairie Lessons

Prairie Lessons

PRAIRIE LESSON Edition of 30 Price: $5,900 Day after day and page by page, the senseless squiggles begin to make sense, forming symbols of words and places known and unknown.  Slowly the windows are opened into worlds beyond this narrow corner of reality:  The shapes...
Pioneer Sentinel

Pioneer Sentinel

PIONEER SENTINEL Edition of 30 H 16″ Price: $5,000 Additional Sizes Available In fading light, the pioneer sentinel sits astride his horse studying the wide plain of sage and greasewood.  All is quiet except for the distant lonely howl of a coyote calling to his...
Out of the Nest

Out of the Nest

OUT OF THE NEST Edition of 12 H 126″ Price: $165,000 A metaphor in several parts, “Out of the Nest” chronicles the cycle of life from infancy to adulthood and back again.  A young girl ponders her own being, rises up and as mother or mentor sets the next...
New Child

New Child

NEW CHILD Edition of 30H 12″, W 4″, D 6″Price: $2,500 Main Street Art is one of the nation’s premiere sources for Fine Art Bronze. Our talented artists cover many styles and subject matter. All work is cast in small limited editions. For questions about...