by SmithArtAdmin | Jan 14, 2023
Kristina Numbered edition H 13.5″, W 3.5″, D 3.5″ Price: $2,000 Kristina was modeled as a homage to my Great-grandmother, who immigrated to America from Denmark in the 1800’s. She stands on the west coast of Denmark looking out to sea,...
by SmithArtAdmin | Aug 23, 2018
LEGACY OF LEARNING Life-sizePrice: $90,000 This impressive and inspiring sculpture and its messages are significant and reflective. The value of early learning, of concentration and of undivided attention, of family unity and contentment as shown on their...
by SmithArtAdmin | Aug 17, 2017
JOHN A WIDTSOE – MAQUETTE Edition of 50 H 21 “, W 10″, D 10”Price: $5,500 John A. Widtsoe-Scientist, Educator, and LDS Apostle was one of the worlds brightest minds. He pioneered dry farming techniques used around the world, enabling farmers to grow needed...
by SmithArtAdmin | Jul 20, 2016
IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE – SMALL Edition of 300 H 13.5 “, W 23″, D 7”Price: $8,500 Taking your first step is part of every person’s life. Each must pass through this ritual. We celebrate that moment with this timeless sculpture. Families are the unit of...
by SmithArtAdmin | Dec 14, 2015
IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE Edition of 30H”, W”, D”Price: 125,000 Taking your first steps are part of every person’s life. Each must pass through this ritual. We celebrate that moment with this timeless sculpture. Families are the unit of protection...
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