by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 13, 2012
BUTTERCUPS – SMALL Edition of 30 H 17″, W 10″, D 9″ Price: $3,600 Also Available in Life-size What a pleasant surprise for the first day of summer-a golden globe of buttercups, the marvel of a stream side in a greening meadow. With an air of...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 13, 2012
BUTTERCUPS Edition of 12 H 31″, W 21″, D 19″Price: $10,260 What a pleasant surprise for the first day of summer-a golden globe of buttercups, the marvel of a stream side in a greening meadow. With an air of curiosity she lifts them up into finer...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 13, 2012
BROTHER’S HAND Edition of 12 H 84″, W 24″, D 30″ Price: $35,920 Being the first one up, he now reaches down to help her onto the wall. Older siblings are our first supporters, and despite the jangling, our first defenders when push comes to...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 13, 2012
BROTHERS Edition of 30 H 24″, W 7.5″, D 6.5″Price: $8,300 Tucking in back to back we size each other up. Due to the difference in ages one is almost always shorter than the other. Sometimes, to mark the growth spurts there are even pencil marks on...
by SmithArtAdmin | Nov 13, 2012
BOY SCOUT Available in three sizes: Edition of 1000 H 11″ Price: $1,650 Edition of 500 H 18″ Price: $3,300 Edition of 100 H 64″ (Life-size) Price: $21,800 In the Boy Scout program young boys learn the basic tenets of self-respect and respect for...
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