
Numbered edition
H 13.5″, W 3.5″, D 3.5″
Price: $2,000

Kristina was modeled as a homage to my Great-grandmother, who immigrated to America from Denmark in the 1800’s.  She stands on the west coast of Denmark looking out to sea, pondering the realization that soon she will be leaving all that she has known.  At the same time, she knows that a new life awaits, new hope and new possibilities for her and her loved ones.  Six castings of Kristina have be issued.  One is located at the Alpine Art Center in Utah and another in the sculpture garden of the BYU Museum of Art.  In 2001, a casting was placed at Amerika Kai Harbor in Copenhagen, where for several decades, emigrants from Denmark to America departed by the thousands.
Kristina was created to represent the many emigrants who left their homes to search for their dreams in America.  Looking out to sea, she realizes that soon she will be leaving all that she has ever known.  At the same time, she knows that a new life awaits, with renewed hope and new vision herself and her loved