Dennis Smith is best known for his sculptures of children, family, mothers and fathers. He has a wonderful ability to capture moments of play, reflection, and intimacy. His work is truly located in hundreds of public and private collections, in museums and public squares throughout the entire United States, and in many countries of the world.
While known for sculpture, Dennis is definitely not limited to or restricted to three-dimensional art forms. Anyone who has seen his paintings understands what a strong medium these are for Smith to use to express himself, and to help him explain and interpret the world around us. His paintings are rich with symbolism and metaphors.
Though not a philosopher, an afternoon spent with Dennis will invariably include moments of inner inspection as Smith describes the world as he sees it, and has you looking to see the symbolism, the colors, hues, and balance of the world around us.
Dennis at times expands his artistic expression with his own poetry. It is an extra treat when his poems and his art works are published or displayed together.
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